Friday 13 January 2012

Review: Shame

The next film to review is "Shame". The latest collaboration between "Hunger" director Steve McQueen and actor Michael Fassbender in which he plays a guy named Brandon, living in New York and struggling with sex addiction. The film I thought was just so evoking and moving and beautifully shot. Also it's one of those films that really when you have a subject like this, it really grabs on the fact of just how painful it can be particularly for Brandon who is seriously affected by it. I don't think there has been a film I've watched where I didn't feel so much pain and torture that the main character feels deep within, in a long while. And Fassbender is just superb and I can't imagine anyone else playing this character but him. Keep in mind that it is strongly sexually explicit as the trailer is above but really a superb film and I'm pleased to give it;


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